Wednesday, 23 March 2011

2011: Glam Slam RULES

A poetry slam is a spoken word competition where participants read, recite or perform original material and are then judged on a numeric scale by selected members of the audience.

Here we are 'glamming it up' a little bit.

The GLAM SLAM will consist of 2 rounds on the night: a first round with 4 competing categories (see below), followed by a Grand Final in the second round, where a cash prize (£100) is up for grabs.


Each contestant gets up to 3 minutes to share original spoken word material featuring the required props within each category.

Each contestant can enter one category only.

The winner in each category must be prepared to read a second piece to compete for the Grand Final.  Repeat poems are not allowed. The poems in the Grand Final can be on any topic and in any style. 


LOSS - a poem about loss
wearing BLUE

WORK - employment-related poem in OCCUPATIONAL GEAR...., about any job - not necessarily one's everyday job, but words and attire must be related 

LUST - an erotic poem in sexy UNDERWEAR, LINGERIE, OR LESS

WIG-A-POEM - a poem about any subject, but you must wear a WIG, which will complement and accessorize your words


A group of independent judges from the audience score each contestant from 0 to 10 based on poetry and performance.

The poet with the highest score in each of the four open categories receives a trophy and competes, in the second round, for a Grand Prize (£100) .


For those who are not competitively inclined but still want to present their work, there will be a few non-competitive floor spots.

TO PARTICIPATE (in either the slam or the open mic):

Sign up on the night (between 7.30-8.00pm) or contact Ernesto on this myspace or by email:

"Wham, bam, thank you, ma'am!"
"Glam   Slam, thank you, ma'am..."

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