CONGRATULATIONS to Emma Jones for winning the Glam Slam UK 2011! A deserving champion in what was a very competitive final including Carmina Louisa Masoliver-Marlow (best LOSS poem), Raymond Antrobus (best WIG-a-poem), and Alison Brumfitt (best LUST poem). Emma won the trophy for the best WORK poem in the first round. That's her on the left receiving her £100 prize.
Thanks to everyone who contributed in one way or another. Thanks to Catherine Brogan (who also took all the photos in this blog entry) and Chris Young for their great guest performances, to Marcus Reeves for glamorously assisting, to Sina Evil for a delightful DJ set, to Bob Henderson for his glittery door-whoring, to the wonderful slammers and open-mic-ers, to The Book Club for providing an amazing basement and to the absolutely gorgeous audience who packed the best Glam Slam UK to date!
Here you can find Carmina Louisa Masoliver-Marlow's lovely blog entry recounting her experience at the Glam Slam 2011. A very enjoyable read:
I have witnessed lots of wonderful antics at the Glam Slam UK over the years, but one of my all time favourites has to be Alison Brumfitt in skimpy black underwear smearing herself with chocolate. The score sheets are still smelling of the substance!
Other temperature raising moments came courtesy of brave boys Alain English and Keith Jarrett. Quite an eyeful!
The night had wonderful performances from some regulars and quite a few new faces: Angry Sam, Carmina Louisa Masoliver-Marlow, Aidan Foley, Matthew Stradling, Robert Duirs, Joe Campbell, Fran Isherwood, Emma Jones, Alison Brumfitt, Fabrizio Pagan, Alain English, John Hogget, Keith Jarrett, Raymond Antrobus, Michelle Madsen, Tony Hickson, Paolo Ferrari and The Jetzer Hara Box.
( well as one name - in the wig category - that has escaped me...)
Wow congrats! looking forward for this year..